
Experiential healthcare by design

“Human Centered Design as a driver for Patient Experience allows it to thrive.”

Days 1-30

Persona Identification, Feasibility Studies, User Interviews

Focus was placed on identifying small yet effective groups of individuals to study their motivations, attitudes, goals, pain points defining what the persona wants. Given the wide variety and range of healthcare applications study was conducted on various technology and applications that were utilized in the line of business.In person and online interviews were conducted with physicians, patients, nurses, hospital staff, supporting staff, providers and insurance companies.

Days 31-60

Analysis & Synthesis, Experience Mapping, Ideation

The diverse data that were received from various categories of persona were analyzed, properly categorized and synthesized to properly understand the pain points. With a focus on the patient at the center, the researchers and designers created an experience map which visualized the current state of the patient and used tangible points to map a future state using technology alternatives. The future state and data obtained from the research were translated into creative ideas and artifacts. Mindmaps, sketchs and storyboards were created to visualize the data.

Days 61-90

Design System, Prototypes and Proof of Concept

Fully interactive high fidelity prototypes that envisioned the new application were created iteratively with user feedback considering integrations, ease of use and adoption. Low and high fidelity prototypes were converted to a proof of concept using combining data on patient demographics, scheduling systems, geographical data and individualized care solutions.